Susie awoke earlier than usual the next morning. The sun had not quite risen over the mountains to the east of Rancho Benicia.
But she couldn’t go back to sleep. In fact, she couldn’t wait to get up. Her mind was racing and, for the first time in weeks, in a positive, not a negative, way. And she felt good, so very good. All the ideas and hopes and shared stories of the last two days had taken hold of her in a powerful, uplifting way that surprised her. She not only was experiencing a change in her perception of her situation, but after last night’s goal setting, she was also developing a plan of action that was real,not contrived like some of the other plans she’d learned about.
In the past, when she had heard concepts and methods she didn’t like while attending a training session, she would gloss over those parts,like cold calling or handling objections or asking closing questions. She wasn’t doing that this time. And that’s because she saw none of those chores (especially cold calling,oh, how she hated cold calling) in this concept,none at all.
So she showered and put on one of her best outfits because she wanted to look as good as she felt this morning.
Within minutes, she was strolling down Main Street, overlooking the ocean. The morning fog had not burned off yet. There was a newness to this time of the day that she liked. And this morning the day felt newer still, newer than ever before. And she knew why. She checked her satchel again to make sure she had her notebook because she was actually looking forward to reviewing the goals she had written last night with Highground’s help.
By the time she got to the coffee shop, Highground was already there looking over the display case of tempting pastries.
“Good morning, Susie!” he chimed, as buoyant as she felt herself. “Ready to start?” “I’ve never been more ready in my life.” “Great. Let’s get one of these pastries, order up our coffee, grab a table, and review your thoughts from yesterday.
Then I’ll tell you what you’ll experience today.” Within a few minutes, the two were seated at a front table, coffee cups and pastries and notebooks strewn between them. And as Highground looked over Susie’s completed goals, his smile grew bigger and bigger and bigger.
“What?” Susie had to know.
“I just love seeing someone like you getting it.” Susie picked up her cup and leaned back confidently in her chair. “You mean, understanding the lifetime value of a relationship,the value of what that person might purchase in a lifetime as well as the value of his or her lifetime referrals? The value of the right communication using a properly organized database that’s been ABC-ed? The value of an eight-week goal?” Highground laid back his head and laughed loud and heartily. “You’re doing fabulous, Susie. You’re already applying the system to your own style. I’m truly looking forward to seeing the bright future peeking out from the goals you’ve set for the next eight weeks.” “I appreciate that, Mr. Highground,” said Susie, “but I have to admit something. I may be a little uncomfortable telling people that I work this way when I don’t,yet.
That’s the next step, isn’t it? I have to start from scratch?” Highground nodded. “Great observation. Everyone I help through this process has the same hurdle. What you will learn this morning from Philip is how to educate any staff or people that will work with you, then how to educate your clients in your database,your 250 by 250 list that’s been ABC-ed. But first, you have to teach yourself.
You have to live the system in order to have the confidence to share it with others. That’s what being genuine is all about.” “That’s a relief. The last thing I want to do is be something that I’m not,” she said. “Been there, done that. Doesn’t work.” “Do you know how many people never learn that?
You’re already halfway there.” Highground pushed away from the table when he saw Philip come in the door. “Remember, Susie, Philip is a business-relational, so his style will be quite different from Sheila Marie’s or Paul’s.” Philip walked in at the appointed time, impeccably dressed as usual. “Good morning, I’m Philip Stackhouse,” he said to Susie with a warm, confident smile as he approached the table.
“Philip,” Highground said, “this is the friend I was talking about, Susie McCumber.” “Hello, Philip,” Susie answered, “it’s my pleasure to meet you.” Highground waved him to pull up another chair. “Philip, I was just mentioning to Susie what you will be sharing with her this morning in regards to educating everyone on the system.” “More like indoctrination,” Philip laughed, sitting down.
“Before you do, why don’t you share with Susie your background and where you were before we met. I thought I would leave you two to talk for a couple of hours before your clients arrive. You are meeting them here, Philip?” “Yes, I am.” “Well, then, I’ll be back about 11:00, okay?” “No problem,” Philip said, and Susie nodded, waving to Highground as he did his disappearing act once more.
“So, Susie,” Philip began, leaning toward her. “What do you think of all that you’ve heard and seen in the last day or so?” Philip had focused suddenly and directly on Susie, almost as if he were interrogating her.
A bit taken aback by this scrutiny, Susie reverted a little into her old nervousness. The fact that Philip was obviously a highly successful individual, based on the way he dressed and acted, didn’t help. However, she thought about what she had learned the day before and the fact that she was referred by Highground with nothing to prove to this man.
She looked directly at Philip and said, “I still have some questions, but what I like most is I don’t have to try to impress you. I just need to be myself. That’s what I saw in Sheila Marie and Paul yesterday. Also, the system seemed at first to be a bit simplistic, but I think that’s only my first impression. Actually, it’s beginning to sound more professional and consistent,if I follow it properly,than any plan I’ve ever tried, and I don’t think that’s just wishful thinking.” Susie had forgotten her uneasiness and was on quite a roll, one that Philip noticed. He smiled, impressed. “I think you’re going to institute this system as well as anyone I know and I look forward to watching that happen. You are going to truly enjoy the results. So now that you understand and know the value of a relationship, have learned how to create a database and to ABC it, I’m supposed to talk to you about what you do next.” “And what’s that?” “Live it,” Philip said, with a wry look. “What do you think of that?” “Makes sense. How did you achieve that?” Susie asked.
“One step at a time,” Philip said. “Understanding how to live this system and educate others doesn’t happen overnight. It begins with a perception change,first of yourself, then of others’ perception of you. And when that happens, all the people you meet in the future will acquire the new perception immediately.” He waved to get Chuck’s attention.
“The usual?” Chuck called over.
Philip shot him his trademark thumbs-up and went back to his conversation. “You know, I hadn’t thought of it, but that’s what Highground is. He’s a perception changer. The first thing he does is change our perceptions of ourselves, which in turn helps us change the perception of those around us.” “He has definitely done that for me in the last two days.” “I wasn’t always doing business through my database and by referral,” Philip confided. “Before I met Highground I trained the financial planners in my office how to find business cold. I advertised in newspapers, on television, wherever I could spend money in the hope of making the telephone ring. I was pretty good at it. As I moved up the ladder, I always had a knack for selling. I did the wall-towall days on the phones as a young securities salesman. I didn’t get much fulfillment out of it, but I thought that was how everyone did business.” “You were good at cold calls?” “I was,” Philip admitted. “I just didn’t like it. Then I started my own operation and tried to train new salespeople in the art of selling those old ways, and my results plummeted. What I found was there are very few of us out there who learned the techniques to handle objections, isolate the issues, offer solutions, ‘close hard three times,’ et cetera, to the point of making them work. Rare is the person who is truly good at it or can keep it up over a long time. The more my overall closing percentages went down,because I included my staff in the averages,the more I threw money at places to find more leads. By the time I met Highground, I was at my wit’s end. He would say I was on the mantel. I was certainly at a crossroads in my career, very frustrated and disheartened. I was ready to go back to the drawing board and work the phones for ten hours a day. I didn’t want to do that, but I knew I could at least pay the bills.” “I know the feeling,” Susie said.
“But with a little journey like you are now on, I redirected my business and life. I’m now respected, doing business with who I want to, and have more time to do the things I want to do. My whole staff is trained in this system and they like themselves and the company a lot more for it.
When we use the little phrase ‘Just let me know,’ we understand it is a two-way street. That’s why we’re so confident when we use it, because we live it.” Susie look at him, puzzled. “Just let me know?” “Oh, yes. That’s the linchpin in Principle 3,Just Let Me Know. Educating your clients about how you work, your value to them, through regular, tangible actions performed without fail. It’s what we who have taken Highground’s system to heart say to every client we work with. We want them to let us know if we can help them in any way in business or beyond. You’ll hear specifically how to make it work with Principle 4. But for now, just know that this phrase is amazing in its power to give the right impression to your clients. The last thing you want to seem is self-serving. Consistently calling and educating your clients about how you work is the most important dynamic in a referral system.” Susie was beaming at this new idea. “I like it. It sounds genuine.” “That’s because it is,” he explained. “That’s the beauty of this program. It’s real. We help people all the time; we go out of our way to serve our clients in ways that the usual business philosophy would never include. The old-style businessman would not approve,nor would I have only a few years ago. But now it’s all part of our service to our clients. When we live that out, the second part of using that phrase becomes second nature.” “What second part? You mean the referral?” “That’s right. Because we are actually living out the principles we tout, we now have a ‘hall pass’ to ask everyone we know for a referral, and I do mean everyone.” To show her, Philip suddenly took on a warm yet businesslike gaze, sat up professionally straight, looked into her eyes, and said, “So, Ms. Very Important Client, just let me know if we can help you in any way, business or beyond.
And if you have any friends or associates that can use our services, please call me with their names. I’ll treat them just as I have treated you. Just let us know.” He sat back in his chair and smiled. “See?” Susie grinned. “Yes, I see. That second part is the pivotal part.” Philip nodded. “But it is give-and-take, and people respond to that approach. They really do. And so will you.” Susie suddenly had a thought that made her uneasy.
“Do you pay referral fees if someone sends you a client?” Philip smiled at that. “Good question. One thing I learned from Highground is that we may pay a finder’s fee to someone in business if doing so is standard, but as a rule of thumb we normally do not pay a referral fee. You would never expect to be paid to refer a friend to a good restaurant or recommend a movie. You do it because you have received great service or enjoyed the movie, and you think your friend could benefit from knowing about it. You might be appreciated if you go to the restaurant and the owner recognizes you because you are an advocate, and that might get you faster service,” he added loud enough to be heard by Chuck, who was coming their way, “much like Chuck here at the coffee shop!” “Hey, you talking about me?” Chuck said, in a mocktough voice, setting down a steaming mug of coffee on the table, inches from Philip’s lap.
“Hey, it’s about time,” Philip countered in an even tougher voice. “Here, take the money and leave us alone!” Chuck laughed, grabbed the money, and then shot him a thumbs-up to Philip’s laughing delight.
“That guy is a good man. He’s the reason I met Highground. And he’s a walking billboard for the success of Highground’s system, isn’t he?” “Chuck is involved with this system?” Susie’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Sure,” Philip said, stirring his coffee and then taking a sip. “Look around at the attention to detail, the group of walking, talking power advocates he has developed.” “He does have a lot of friends and repeat business. You’re right.” “And think about the café’s ‘items of value’ you have received in the mail,coupons, discounts for other services, that sort of thing.” Susie couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen it before. “You’re exactly right, Philip. I just realized everything,the language he uses is exactly like the language all of you are teaching me to use. He’s always asking me if he can help me in any way.
And to pass his name along to any friends or family that would enjoy a good coffee café. He even referred Mr. Highground to me! I just thought well, I don’t know what I thought. It was so natural and helpful. Like he cared. And this café is so wonderfully run and its ambiance is so good, why wouldn’t I tell my friends about it?” “That’s how it works, Susie. We just pass along the ‘good’ to those that we like and want to do business with.
All of us,Chuck, Paul, Sheila Marie, and many more,we have a whole network of businesses that we are happy to refer to our clients and friends because we know that they are going to take care of them. See how it works?” “I’m beginning to see the whole, interesting picture.” “Which gets us back to what I’m supposed to talk to you about today,education. Now that you have changed your perception, you need to take the next step and institute some of the ‘branding’ of the system on your business communications, concepts like ‘Just Let Me Know,’ along with a host of other pieces that describe your new philosophy: thank-you cards, letterheads, items of value you give to express appreciation. The system needs to be part of what you say to everyone, and you have to demonstrate it daily in your business.” Susie stared at Philip’s suit jacket, at something she had been noticing ever since he sat down. “What’s the ‘Highground’ pin on your lapel all about?” she asked. “I’ve been wanting to ask that since I met you. And I have a feeling that’s the point.” “Susie, you are getting it so well! ” Philip smiled, tapping his colorful lapel pin. “Do you like it? Several years ago a few of the people who David Michael Highground had helped over the years got together and finally named his wonderful system. We call it ‘Highground’s Principles of Business.’ Highground said it wasn’t necessary, but we wanted to do something to honor the man. He is so giving.
He really doesn’t ask for anything, if you’ll notice. He hasn’t asked anything of you, has he?” “No, he hasn’t,” Susie realized.
“Well, I had to give something back to him. But it also helps me and all of us who live our business and personal lives around this wonderful system. I’ve incorporated a logo around this name and I include it unobtrusively in certain parts of my literature, explaining the value I put on a lifetime relationship. Everyone is different, so what you use to get this point across is up to you. Okay, you’d better open that notebook of yours. I’m about to give you some great information on Principle 3.” She whipped it and her pencil out, flipped quickly to the right page, and waited. “I’m ready.” “Okay. Principle 3 is,” Susie interrupted to quote, “Just Let Me Know. Educate your clients about how you work and your value to them through regular, tangible actions performed without fail.” Principle 3: Just Let Me Know. Educate your clients about how you work and your value to them through regular, tangible actions performed without fail.
“Exactly,” Philip said, and then in a very no-nonsense tone he began to get down to business. “In a nutshell, it is simply the ability to communicate with everyone you know about how your business works, what you will do for them, and what you expect of them in return. With your ABC-ed database in order, ready and waiting, you’re already halfway there. The next step is to educate yourself.
When you’ve changed your perception of yourself and have truly begun to incorporate the language that Highground teaches you into your everyday life, you can move forward.” He paused for a second. “Earlier I mentioned the term ‘hall pass.’ Do you remember in school how you needed a hall pass to have permission to be officially in the halls during class?” Susie nodded and smiled.
“This is similar in that it is necessary to feel like you have the right to call someone and ask for business. Most of us never communicate with anyone consistently, let alone perform tangible actions demonstrating that the relationship between us and our clients is our first priority. Far too often, I am unable to persuade salespeople to call current and past clients as well as others in their sphere of influence. Why won’t they try it? The bottom-line reason, which few of them will admit,is that they are embarrassed for not keeping in touch and feel uneasy and uncomfortable when asked to call now. They’ve lost their ‘hall pass.’ What happens, though, when a good keeping-in-touch system is in place? Your calls are welcomed, which is the way people thank you for the professional personal touch in your communications. You have a hall pass to call people and talk business,and feel good about doing it.” Susie wrote furiously, brow furrowed, fully focused, as Philip concentrated on the next point. “Next, if you will have staff working with you, then you have to get them on board. They need to have regular training and live the system well. Once those who will be working with you are on board and are living it, you are now ready to start educating your database list.” Susie looked up. “My 250 by 250 list? The list that I’ve ABC-ed?” “That’s the one. That’s your database list. And you don’t have to wait until everything is in place before you start.
You just have to start one step at a time.
“The first thing you will send to your ABC database list is a letter telling everyone of your new business philosophy. Some refer to this as a confession letter. It simply states the value you place on those you know and/or have served in the past and the new attention you are giving to them. Here’s a sample letter I brought for you”:
, Philip stack house , Robert and Carole Rusch 119 Heath Terrace Rancho Benicia, CA 92117 Dear Bob and Carole:
Recently my staff and I have taken the time to review our business and have come to the unanimous conclusion that the most important assets we possess are the relationships we have developed to date,just like the one we have developed with you.
I also confess that we have not been as proactive in our personal communications as we would have liked. It’s to that point that I want you to know we have taken appropriate steps to start communicating more frequently. Be it a newsletter, personal card, or follow-up telephone call from our office, please consider it the tangible evidence that we are putting our relationship with you first in our business.
In the near future, we will be communicating with you personally. Meanwhile, if you have any questions or we can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to call us!
Sincerely, Philip Stackhouse Susie handled the letter as if it were a piece of gold.
“Sheila Marie mentioned this,” she said. “It’s perfect.” For a few seconds, she studied it hard, her mind spinning with possibilities until a new thought occurred to her,a rather important thought: “What about new people I might meet?” “The concept still works, and I’ll tell you why,” he said.
“It will become so natural to share how you conduct your business, your relationship system, and its value to others that meeting new people will become a joy. And later, when you follow up with those you meet,first with a personal note immediately after your encounter, of course, and then through your communication program,these people will never feel like they have an L for ‘lead’ on their foreheads. And you will not have an L for ‘loser’ on yours because you are making them feel that way!” Susie laughed. “Well, I’m glad to hear that.” “Consistency is the key, and the people on your database list will,just like your family,know if you are real or not. As they see you ‘walk your talk’ consistently, they will become believers. Susie, your phone will start to ring regularly with referrals of clients from your database because you have a focused marketing plan that educates them to do it.” One point still bothered Susie. She decided to be honest about it: “How do you handle people who tell you no, Philip? I hate to say it, but I’m still worried about rejection.” Philip smiled. “I’ll tell you how to handle that. As soon as you put this proactive ‘outbound’ philosophy and system in place, you have a way to work around that fear of rejection. You’re able to accept that no gracefully and even, possibly, turn it into a yes later if you so choose, with your dignity intact. Tell you what,let’s role-play,” Philip suggested. “Let’s say you’re my contact. Assuming I have had permission to communicate with you and have done so regularly, I could feel good about calling you and saying something like this.” He pantomimed picking up a phone.
Susie wondered if she should be taking notes. She grabbed her pencil.
Philip began talking into his imaginary phone. “Hello, Susie. This is Philip Stackhouse. Did I catch you at a bad time?’” Philip placed a hand over his invisible phone and stage-whispered to Susie, “Normally, you wouldn’t admit to its being a bad time unless you truly were busy.” Playing along, Susie replied, using her pencil as her imaginary phone receiver: “No, no, I’m not busy.” “Great. Susie, if it’s all right with you, I’d like to run a few things by you concerning the financial gains I’ve achieved for others in the community in spite of the latest tax law changes. If you like what you hear, we’ll take it a bit further. If you don’t, we’ll leave it at that. Would that be okay?” Philip put down his imaginary phone. “Now, normally, if I’ve communicated with you regularly, focused on your needs instead of my own, wouldn’t you agree that the chances of your saying yes to talking with me are pretty high?” Susie nodded her head. “Definitely.” “And you’d be right. Well, then, let’s say, for whatever reason, you say no to my request. Now what?” He paused.
“This is the big difference,I have a system where most do not. And because I’ve treated you well, keeping our relationship alive by keeping in touch, if you say no to me, then I am able to respond appropriately. I don’t have to overwhelm you or the respectful-yet-professional relationship we have developed. So if you said no to me, this would be my response.” Philip picked up his imaginary phone again and talked into it. “No, Susie? Well, that’s fine. I understand. The relationships I develop in this community are certainly more important than selling my products. I’m really enthusiastic over the results I achieve for those I serve, but you certainly need to be the judge of whether this is the right time for you to consider taking advantage of it or not. Perhaps some other time might work better. If it’s all right, let’s continue to keep in touch. I’ll check back with you in another six months. Would that be okay?” Susie nodded, speaking into her pencil “phone” again.
“Yes, that would be fine, Philip. Thank you, anyway. I’ll see you.” “See?” Philip said. “Because I have a system in place that follows up with communications that are relational in nature,professional, but still relational,I can easily ‘disengage,’ keep my dignity in place, and maintain the relationship, if I so choose. I can evaluate it all later.” “Wow!” Susie exclaimed. “If I could say that as smoothly as you just did, my business would take off!” “You will, because you will have a system behind you.
And you will be living out the principles of this system, evoking the golden rule. You will actually be treating others as you would want to be treated yourself.” Philip paused for emphasis. “Just remember this. When you put this program in place, you must have confidence that it works,as long as you work it.” Susie frowned. “What do you mean?” “The bottom line is that you must take advantage of your newfound ‘hall pass’ abilities to call people. You must be proactive and you must ask for the business. Because you are putting the relationship first,keeping in touch regularly, without fail,you will gain new self-esteem and confidence to ask for business and referrals. Your clients will expect it.” Philip finished and sat back, relaxed. Susie, though, was feverishly taking notes.
“The specifics about how to do the rest is Principle 4, which I bet you’re going to be learning this afternoon.” “That’s right. With someone named Sara Simpson.” “Sara is a dynamo. Get ready to be bowled over. She’ll have you learning about the Keep in Touch program within minutes.” “Keep in Touch,” “That’s right,” Philip said. “But I’ll let her tell you. You’ll love it.” Susie finally put down her pencil.
Just then Highground walked in, and they both looked up, amazed that two hours had already passed.
“How is my star student?” he asked.
“She is going to be phenomenal,” Philip said, getting to his feet.
“Are you going somewhere?” Susie asked Philip.
“Not far,” he said, pointing to the table next to them.
Confused, Susie glanced at Highground.
He explained. “Susie, I’m going to take this seat here with you again. Philip, on the other hand, has a couple coming to meet him here in a few minutes. And he will sit down with them right next to us. That way, we can hear how he educates a new client without making the couple uncomfortable.” “Great idea. I like watching a master in action.” That made Philip grin. “This is a couple I’ve just started to work with, and I’ve asked them to come have a cup of coffee with me, to run a few things by them. So this will really help you.” That’s when he saw the couple come in, right on time. And he went to meet them.
For the next hour, Susie listened intently, amazed as Philip articulated all that he had shared with her that morning. She wished she’d brought a tape recorder.
For several minutes, as Philip and the couple ordered coffee and waited for it to arrive, they talked about the financial planning work he’d done for them. Then, to Susie’s surprise and delight, they asked what the Highground pin he was wearing meant. Now Philip had the perfect opening. He stated the philosophy of how he valued a lifetime relationship. And then he presented to them a directory that was titled “In Touch with Friends and Associates.” It had his company logo on it. Susie leaned too far over, trying to see the directory, which made the couple look at her. Quickly, she coughed and moved her chair around loudly, working hard to be invisible again, which tickled Highground so much he had to muffle his own laughter. But he couldn’t hide his pleasure at her enthusiasm.
“What is this directory?” she whispered to Highground.
“That’s a great idea!” “You can do it, too. In fact, you should. It’s all your own favorites,your tried-and-true businesses, dry cleaners, convenience stores, restaurants,the very establishments you tell people about all the time. Philip just got smart and printed up his own to give away. He started with a simple list of names on his letterhead. Now he actually produces a little booklet. Listen to how he explains it.” “This is an in-depth listing of all the businesses and services that I can personally recommend in the community,” Philip was saying.
Susie wondered if Chuck’s California Coffee Café and Bistro and Sheila Marie Deveroux Realty and Paul’s auto dealership were all in there. Of course they were, she realized.
And this was the moment that Philip started explaining his philosophy of business, putting the relationship first, living and working by the golden rule. When he stated that he didn’t spend any of his time or money in marketing to the general public, that he spent his energies on those he served by bringing them items of value on a regular basis, she quickly started taking a new set of notes.
She wrote as fast as she could, trying to capture his exact speech, especially when he said that if there was any way his staff could be of service, “just let us know.” “You know I mean this,” Philip reminded them, since he’d already shown his excellence in the work he’d done for them. “The only thing I ask you is this: if you happen to know of any friends or associates that could use my services, you will think of me. I’ll treat them just as I have treated you.
This is the way I do business.” Susie gave up. She couldn’t write that fast, and this was too good to miss by worrying about getting it all down. She just listened.
And that’s when he looked confidently at the couple and said, “You see, the reason you came to me in the first place was because our mutually good friend referred us, remember?” The couple nodded.
“So I’m dedicated, as you can tell, to upholding the trust that has led us together. Incidentally, do you know of anyone that might be in need of my services?” “I’m sure we do. In fact, our friends the Johnsons could use your help. We just mentioned your name at dinner with them the other evening. We’ll make a point of calling them tonight. Just let us write their number down for you.” Susie couldn’t believe it. They gave Philip a referral just like he said it would happen! By living and using the system, he had created two power advocates,walking, talking billboards for him and his business.
At this point, Highground motioned to Susie that they needed to leave. Susie and Highground left the coffee shop and started walking down to the dock near where they had eaten lunch the day before.
He stopped by the same bench Susie had sat on to start her 250 by 250 list. So much had happened since then, it felt like much longer ago, Susie suddenly thought.
“I believe this spot worked for you yesterday, Susie,” Highground was saying. “What I would like you to do is take another twenty minutes or so and write out another step in your goals that you started yesterday,Goal 3.
Remember how to do this? Here’s a new tape to listen to.
Project yourself eight weeks into the future this time. I’ll bring you a salad and let you enjoy the quiet for a bit.” The morning fog had given way to a lovely noon sun that set off the brilliant blue ocean, the sight that always confirmed why she had moved here in the first place. She sat down, pulled out her notebook, turned to the third goals page, and began to write:
Goal 3.
Goal: Professionally brand this system with my own style, then begin a proactive program to use in all that I say and do with all those I know.
Goal Date: eight weeks from today.
The date is August 15 and I have: everything available for this system in place. From the communication on my business cards, stationery, and fax forms to additional handouts that match up with me and my new philosophy. Because I have worked hard to incorporate this system with my style, I now feel comfortable telling people that I work mainly by referral. I have actual, tangible proof in action all around me. I am educating everyone on a daily basis how I can help them and how they can help me. It is truly a winwin scenario.
I have already experienced: ongoing positive response from my clients and all that I come into contact with. I am amazed at the people, many of whom I once thought to have real control of their businesses, wanting to know how I have set all of this up.
I feel: more of who I really am. For the first time in my life, I feel genuine about myself because I now have the freedom, or license, to be me.
I love my products and what they do for others, and I feel I can competently share them with others in a way that can work for them.
I am excited about: helping others take advantage of the benefits my products offer and building and enjoying new relationships. I really am excited about giving them the newfound freedom that Highground has shown me.
My associates and colleagues are: impressed with my professional branding of my new system. Many have asked me to tell the people they work with about my experience and how I have achieved it.
I am determined to: surround myself with the right visual confirmations that I practice what I preach so I will be genuine in making this system really mine.
The time flew. Before she knew it, Highground was tapping her on the shoulder, then sitting down beside her to read her new goal. When he finished, he said nothing, gave her a proud smile, and then got up and beckoned her to follow him.
Hurriedly pushing her notebook back into her satchel, she stood up and did just that.
“Ready for Principle 4?” Highground asked, already knowing Susie’s answer.
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